About a year ago I de-nubbed and sanded this model, so I was pretty ready to go (just had to degrease the parts).
I am using the following paints:
Main areas: Tamiya acrylics Olive green:gray:white - 5:1:2. Preshaded with JB green
Waist: JB green with some gray added. Preshaded with Black green
All metallics painted with Mr Hobby Super Metallics.
Primed with Plamo Colour Gray Surface Primer
This is a good example of how pre shading works.
The Binders look impressive
Finished the legs. Pretty happy with how they look
And this is where I am. Majority of pieces airbrushed and ready to move on to their next steps.
All I really have left is decals, panel lining, and final matte coat. I plan on mounting him to a stand too.