So it's been awhile since my last post, but I've been busy!
Summarized events of Gunpla activity for the summer:
1. Bought and received 1/100 Kshatriya resin kit.
2. Upon cleaning parts, realized I had to recast an entire piece
3. Sold Kshatriya (haha)
4. Bought 1/144 MSZ-007 Gundam resin kit.
And so it begins.
Here is a new WIP for you all. Nothing new or crazy major happening with it. Frankly the casting quality is pretty bad and I don't want to deal with the small pieces any longer so I'm going to just paint it and glue it and call it a day.
Reckless released some new 1/144 resin kits last year at C3, and while I loved all of them, I wanted to start with this one. The MSZ-007 Mass Production model.
I ordered this recast from, came safely to my door.

After cleaning the parts (and realizing that there are
158 parts for this 1/144 model!!!) I began to clean the resin off.

And casting quality is terrible yet again on quite a few pieces. This is not even supposed to have a line at all across the surface.

Yeah. Kind of upset, but whatev.
You can see my How-to for putty filling and sanding here:
Gundam Building 101: Putty Filling for Beginners
I put in some Yellow Submarine joints for added flexibility. It just takes a lot of drilling and planning where you want it to go. Usually on a resin kit there is already some sort of joint in place so it makes it semi-easy.

I thought they're a bit too high here after taking the picture, so I made the joints a bit shorter. The joint itself will be eventually covered in the final model. Also the great thing about Yellow Submarine joints is that they are paintable, so even if some did poke through, it would be the same color as everything else anyways.
Got some 6mm thrusters from eBay. Kind of expensive for what you get, but I guess that's the nature of gunpla itself...

Pretty Snazzy if I do say so myself.
You can see my How-to for putting thrusters on here:
Gundam Building 101: Metal Thrusters
Began painting the base layer of paint on last night for shading. I got too tired in the middle of it so I had to stop painting all of my pieces haha. Has that ever happened to you guys?
I don't really know why, but my camera is off with the color I painted it. It looks blue in this pic - but IRL it's more teal.
I have summarized quite a few days worth of WIP, but there will be more in the coming days.